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Copy Joint Orientation

24 June 2024 Not fully working as intended. I needed to unparent joints for it to work. Need to take into account hierarchy/parent space.

import pymel.core as pm

def copy_joint_orientation():
# Get the selected joints
selected_joints =, type='joint')

# Ensure there is at least one joint selected
if not selected_joints:
pm.warning("No joints selected. Please select at least one joint.")

# Get the orientation of the first joint in the list
first_joint = selected_joints[0]
first_joint_orient = first_joint.getOrientation()

# Copy the orientation to the rest of the joints
for joint in selected_joints[1:]:

print(f"Copied orientation from {first_joint} to {len(selected_joints) - 1} other joints.")

# Run the function